Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Long Road Ahead

Days left: 419
Words written: 4,715

As far as writing sessions go, this was not my most productive one. But that is not the point. The point is that I wrote! On a Tuesday night! For the first time in weeks! So yay me!

I know you probably get tired of hearing my excuses because I get tired of hearing my excuses. So, tonight I decided to suck it up and just write. I have to say it was tough, mostly because I haven't worked on "the novel" in a few weeks so it took a while to get the juices flowing again.

Writing, I find, is a lot like exercise. The more you do it, the easier it is and the stronger you get. When you don't do it for a while, you basically have to start all over again and deal with sore muscles and getting back into a routine, etc.

Obviously, intellectually I know this. It's putting it into practice that I've always had trouble with. Which is the whole point of this project - to see if I can actually break my bad habits and actually complete a story I start.

Looks like I still have a long way to go...

(Photo from wvs.)

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