Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Christmas Break Challenge

Days left: 522
Word count: 975



I haven't done a thing with "the novel" in weeks. Haven't really even thought about it. This is no way to get a novel written, I know, but life just, well, intrudes. I tell myself very rationally that if this is something I really care about, that I really want to do, that I will make time for it, that it is worth sacrificing a night or two vegged out on the couch with my husband. But then I get the baby to bed at eight, and I just can't resist the pull of those cushions, the glow of the television, the foot rubs!


I have a plan though. My office is closed the week between Christmas and New Year's and my husband has to work. This leaves me with nine days (not including Christmas Day) with relatively large amounts of free time to write (in between adoring my daughter, of course). So, the plan is to write at least 500 words on each of those nine days, leaving me with an additional 4,500 words I do not have now and (hopefully) jumpstarting my urge to write this novel again.

The question is, am I truly disciplined enough to stick to my plan? (History says no.) Stay tuned to find out. I promise to blog each day to keep you up to date on my progress (and whining).

1 comment:

  1. This feels creepy - It's like reading your daughter's diary.
