Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You can't judge a book by its cover...

Or can you...

My boss often says that if she doesn't like the cover of a book, she won't pick it up. (She will set this rule aside, however, if someone tells her the book is actually very good.)

As an aspiring novelist, I often dream of what the covers of my books might look like. I am very much aware that the author usually has very little input into the design of the cover, and I wonder what it must feel like to put your hard work into the hands of another person to package for the world to see.

I was at the bookstore yesterday and noticed three fun new covers to novels that were very eye catching (all from Penguin books):
I love the bright pink flamingoes on this edition of Alice in Wonderland. Attractive and a nice, subtle referernce to the flamingo croquet played in the novel.

As much as I love great literature, I also very much enjoyed Bridget Jones Diary and very much like this new tattoo inspired cover.

Since Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel of all time, I am glad to see this fun update to the cover. (If you see it in the store, you should pick it up and take a closer look. There are flaps inside the covers that extend the scenes. Very clever.)

Going back to judging a book by its cover, these are two I picked up based solely on their artwork. They are now two of my favorite novels:

If you've only seen the movie, you must read the book. SO much better.

The best love-to-hate heroine since Scarlett O'Hara.

What are your favorite book covers? What novels did you pick up because you liked the cover?

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