So when I left off with this story, I had just turned in my first short story for my classmates to read and critique. Here is an actual entry from my writing journal from that class:
"My first story, Windows to the Soul, was workshopped today. They didn't tear it/me apart like I thought they would. However, several big things were brought up.
First, characterization. They didn't feel like I'd developed Sherry enough. K thought it was strange how [Sherry] got prettier when she got closer when its usually the other way around. Dr. N wanted me to write more about her apartment, that I really missed an opportunity to develop her character there. The funny thing is that in my [hand]written draft, I did describe her apartment in detail, but I decided that it wasn't necessary and took it out.
Plot was also brought up. L said she didn't think that this would happen in real life. Others said similar things like, 'Why would Mark tell Sherry all this when they just met?' and 'How is it possible that he could make such a huge change after one conversation after ten years?'"
So... Poor characterization and an unbelievable plot. Sounds like a pretty shitty story to me.
At the time I took it in stride and was just proud that I'd tried. This was, after all, the first time I'd tried to write a story. Looking back on it though, I can see so many things I could've done to make that story a success. The first being, write more than one freaking draft!
If I took nothing else away from that experience, it was this: Your first draft, by nature, is going to be crappy. And that's alright. It's supposed to be. First drafts are about getting the juices flowing, getting something on paper.
The trick, however, is to then research and revise. Then research and revise some more. And maybe then, turn it over for someone to look at. This whole concept was beyond me at the time. I still thought writing was supposed to be easy, remember.
Well, that's enough of my history for now. I'm sure I'll regale you with other thrilling tales in the months to come so stay tuned...
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